Psalm 24:1
The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains, the world, and all who dwell in it…
Reflection: The Earth is the Lord’s
Written By: Pastor Jesse Caro
I like to recycle. Indeed, I feel guilty to throw away cardboard and plastic away in the trash. In Greensboro, NC and Tiffin, OH it was much easier to do so. The community had one option of trash pick-up, and the company provided you with a recycling bin. Because the city negotiated the contract, it was a reasonable price. The recycling bin would always get full before the trash bin would. For me, it is a matter of stewardship. We have been entrusted with the care and management of this planet (which the Lord called “good”) and we ought not to be flippant about how we use the resources.
My counterbalance to the above paragraph is that I do not recycle because I think that we are causing permanent damage to the world (this is not a science debate I mean to engage in). In other words, it is not fear that drives my decision and passion to recycle, but just a conviction I should steward resources well. I like Tesla not because I am scared of fossil fuels (and perhaps I should be scared of fossil fuels… though I am not) but because it seems like a better use of resources. Really, my fundamental posture that keeps me from the fear the news pushes… namely that the sky is falling… is that the earth is the Lord’s and all that is within it. He will manage to keep it until the day he chooses to return. Until then, we should steward our resources as best as we can.
Father in Heaven, Maker of Heaven and Earth, we acknowledge that you are sovereign over this planet you made, and you have entrusted it to us. May we steward our resources well such that it honors you.