Released to Serve - Lora Drinkard

Lora Drinkard

Serving Team - Online Worship Greeter


“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” - 1 Peter 4:10  


This is a scripture I strongly believe in living by. Serving others is extremely important to me in whatever ways I can. My primary focus of serving within Timberlake a few years ago was in the Children’s Ministry. I chose to serve with Erin Colbert and her awesome team of volunteers because children are so precious to me. It was such a beautiful fit, and I pray to return to serving there within 2022. I also served on our hospitality team as a greeter for our modern services on Sunday morning, on the weeks I wasn’t serving in Children’s Ministry. 


COVID took hold in 2020 and changed things drastically for so many of us. Our church went to online services only, which was hard on many of us. We missed our brothers and sisters in Christ, our LifeGroups, and many of us lost our ability to serve within the church and beyond. I was devasted. As time passed, I felt more and more useless, like there was nothing I could do any longer to help others. It magnified when our church reopened, yet I could not return due to health challenges. 


Then, I saw that Amanda Smith needed people to help serve as online hosts for our traditional service. I reached out, thinking it might be a good fit for me, yet I was concerned about how tech-savvy you might need to be. Mandy immediately responded and walked me through exactly what was involved and how often she would need me. It was unbelievably simple, and I immediately felt a sense of peace, like I had found a niche I never knew existed! I was so thrilled that despite feeling there was no way I could serve my church, this was a small way I was able to give back. 


I hope that someone reading this will realize there is a place for you at Timberlake. There are SO many opportunities to give back – in big and small ways – and even ways that may seem small are not small at all. For example, I never know if the person I greet virtually on Sunday morning is a visitor and that perhaps sharing a kind greeting will help them come closer to Christ through our church. What, my friends, could be better than that?! By giving, I promise you will receive far more than you ever imagined.






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